Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Life Update

"into each life some rain must fall"

a brief rain shower has begun falling upon Louie and i.  a few days before Thanksgiving we learned Louie has cancer.  the good news, it has not spread and is quite curable with radiation and chemotherapy treatments.  the not-so-good news, he must undergo daily treatment for 6 weeks.  we hope to start in the next week or two.

i will try to keep writing and photographing during this time, but i don't imagine i will be posting here with any regularity.  when the treatment is over, and Louie is on the road to recovery, i will be back.

this is a time of great anxiety, stress and fear.  it is also a time of intense joy, gratitude and love. the big life lessons have already begun.  actually, they were always there, i just was not paying attention to them.  i will try to accept them, and learn from them with each passing day.

i know each one of you reading this is sending us your love and good wishes.  thank you.  this means the world to us.  it is the love and strength and support of family and friends that will see us safely through this journey.